Embedding Google Docs

Today I learnt to embed a google doc.To embed a google doc there is a couple of tricky things you have to do but i got there in the end. one of the tricky things was to embed the code to the doc you want to embed,the internet didn’t want to work  but on the bright side i got it done and dusted in the end.


Embedding Google Slides

Before I embed my slide I have to change the share settings to ”anyone with the link”  The next thing we did was go to file and press share with web to get the embed code, Then click the embed code Then choose the size and the playing setting and copy the code. on my post I click Add media,Insert the embed code then paste the code, click on insert and it should come up with your picture.

Under the ocean reading.

this week in Totara pod we have been learning about under the sea reading.

We learned this so that we can learn about the animals and the layers of the ocean.

This shows my fire fish that I made
For my Ag day art but the reason
Why we did fish is because we are
Reading about the ocean. And fish
Are from the ocean!


What I enjoyed the most was getting to do the reading and drawing the sea animals.
I found it challenging to find the information to answer the questions.

If I did this activity again I would add more plants and little fishes.
Give me some feedback about my pitcher or some of my writing.